22 research outputs found


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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is the most common location of an aneurysm in the blood vessel diseases. Therapeutic indications for AAA non-rupture is mainly based on the criteria of maximum diameter of the aneurysm. Commonly accepted therapeutic indication is when the largest diameter reaches 5.5 cm. In fact, some small aneurysms (less than 5.5 cm) can rupture, while the bigger may not. In addition, there are other variability that have big influence in the evolution of diameter on small AAA was observed, such as the presence of thrombus in the AAA, the velocity profile of blood flow, and the blood volume inside the AAA. Image processing is a job out of range for a doctor. Thus, improve the living material modeling techniques and simplifies the material biomechanical that still a matter of discussion, will create new opportunities for the application of Information Technology in medical area. Deformable models approach for image segmentation of dynamic blood flow has been used and developed in conjunction with the method of scalar volume data (isosurface) to produce image reconstruction which can represent the anatomy of the aortic aneurysm with blood flow animation in each category of thrombus. This method has been proven to successfully presenting the animation of blood flow based on distinction the color of vector that adapted to the direction of blood flow in each coordinate axis (x, y, z). White color which has the highest intensity value has been successfully visualized as a color that represents the presence of thrombus in the aneurysm. The results of this research can be used by relevant experts in the field of Cardiovascular whose using MRI for observations, as well as helping the aortic surgeon in the decision to perform surgery before the rupture of the aortic wall that causes death. The result of this research is a software that can categorize thrombus in the small AAA. This software also can extract and reconstruct the image of the blood flow along with the animation of blood flow in each thrombus category automatically. In addition, this software can process the calculation of the size of thrombus area, the maximum diameter, blood flow velocity and volume of blood flow. In this study, it can be seen that the presence of thrombus parameters can affect the volume and blood flow velocity, ie, the larger thrombus would further reduce the volume and blood flow velocity. However, the presence of thrombus, blood flow velocity and volume of blood flow has not been shown to affect the evolution of diameter of the small AAA. Keywords : Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm , Blood Flow, Image Processing, MRI, Thrombu

    Service Oriented Architecture, untuk mewujudkan Excelent Services bidang Kesehatan (Rumah Sakit) di Indonesia

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    Health information system is a complex system. Health information system must be uptodate, valid, reliable, and still uphold the level of security and user convenience. Indonesian government, in this regard the President through the Minister of Health has launched a program HEALTHY INDONESIAN 2015, which made the referral health care system as a basis for action to a patient in receiving health care. In this paper will discuss about Service Oriented Architecture which is a mix of WEB Service Architecture, Business Planning, and Returns the significantly of Invesment value and the high level of costumer satisfaction. In the other side, It will also discuss the concept of excellent services as one of the milestones to be achived by a public institution to gain recognition as an institution ā€œClean Governanceā€. In the end of this paper we will be presented architecture-based Health Service with SOA in Indonesia, which the final goal is the realization of architecture as an integrated hospital information system service, sustainable and low cost. Kata kunci: Service Oriented Architecture, Excellent Services, Sistem Informasi Rumah Saki


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    Data multimedia merupakan bentuk data yang dapat mewakili semua jenis data (gambar,suara dan teks). Penggunaan data multimedia untuk aplikasi online memerlukan database yang lebih komprehensif dalam penggunaan media penyimpanan, pengurutan / Sorting / indexing, dan sistem pencarian / data searching . Hal ini sangat diperlukan dalam rangka membantu penyedia dan pengguna data multimedia mengakses secara online. Sistem indeks yang menggunakan bentuk image sebagai acuan memerlukan media penyimpanan dan aturan sehingga memerlukan keahlian khusus untuk mendapatkan file yang diinginkan. Perubahan data multimedia menjadi sebuah rangkaian cerita/storyboard dalam bentuk teks akan membantu mengurangi konsumsi media penyimpanan, sistem pengurutan/index/sorting dan aplikasi pencarian. Movement Oriented merupakan salah satu metode yang sedang berkembang untuk merubah bentuk data multimedia ke dalam sebuah rangkain cerita/storyboard.

    Detection Signal Thrombus from Magnetic Resonance Images on Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

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    The big risk of aneurysms on aorta is that they can leak or burst and, without treatment, this is fatal because of bleeding from the aorta into the surrounding tissues and can be reason for the sudden death. Aortic aneurysms are often associated with the thrombus in it. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) is one of the very best digital examinations to observe the aorta that have many small tissues. This study is to detect a thrombus in the Small AAA from MR images using DICOM-work and MatLab Software. Data were obtained from 16 patients with Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (SAAA) who had been examined since July 2006 to January 2010. DICOM is the standard for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine that can covers most image formats for all of medicine and have speciļ¬cation for messaging and communication between imaging machines. T1 and T2 weighted images have been processed and used to analyze the thrombus signal. To process all the data, we use MatLab software. Algorithm to obtain images from DICOM that store in a directory was developing. Manual tracing of the borders have been done to deļ¬ne the Aorta Surface and Luminal Surface in order to determine the Thrombus surface, where Thrombus Surface = Aorta Surface-Luminal Surface. We found 13 of the 16 patient with SAAA had a thrombus. By using DICOM-work as intermediaries between digital examinations tool with the image processing tool is very helpful for doing image analysis

    Natural Language Communication With Virtual Actor

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    The development of realistic virtual actors in many applications, from user interface to computer entertainment, creates expectations on the intelligence of these actors including their ability to understand natural language. Based on our research in that area over the past years, we highlight specific technical aspects in the development of language-enabled actors. The embodied nature of virtual agents lead to specific syntactic constructs that are not unlike sublanguages: these can be used to specify the parsing component of a natural language interface. However, the most specific aspects of interacting with virtual actors consist in mapping the semantic content of usersā€™ input to the mechanisms that support agentsā€™ behaviours. We suggest that a generalisation of speech acts can provide principles for this integration. Both aspects are illustrated by results obtained during the development of research prototypes.


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    Perangkat lunak ini berisi analisis kecepatan aliran darah guna merepresentasikan animasi aliran darah pada Aneurisma Aorta serta mendapatkan nilai kecepatannya. Perhitungan kecepatan aliran darah didasari oleh arah pergerakan vector yang diinformasikan oleh citra magnitudo dan citra fase kontras dari hasil pemeriksaan MRI. Diperolehnya nilai kecepatan aliran darah dapat menjadi parameter untuk mendukung parameter stres pada dinding aorta, sehingga bisa mengestimasi ruptura Aneurisma Aorta. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh ahli terkait pada bidang Kardiovaskular yang menggunakan MRI dalam melakukan tugas pengamatan, serta membantu Dokter bedah aorta dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan tindakan pembedahan sebelum terjadinya ruptura pada dinding aorta yang menyebabkan kematian


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    Pengolahan citra digital saat ini telah berkembang kegunaannya untuk melakukan sistem pengenalan terhadap kemungkinan gangguan kriminalitas, terutama untuk pengenalan objek yang unik, seperti tanda air pada uang rupiah. Cukup banyak metode pengolahan citra yang dapat mendeteksi tanda air pada uang kertas, contohnya segmentasi citra. Segmentasi citra merupakan tahapan penting dalam proses pengenalan pola. Segmentasi citra bertujuan untuk memisahkan antara objek (foreground) dengan background, pada umumnya keluaran hasil segmentasi citra adalah berupa citra biner. Dalam segmentasi citra juga terdapat beberapa metode, contohnya yaitu region segmentation yang berbasis active contour. Active contour menggunakan kurva tertutup untuk mendeteksi objek, setelah itu kurva bergerak melebar atau menyempit terhadap objek. Sehingga dalam Tugas Akhir ini, penulis bermaksud membuat sebuah aplikasi untuk mendeteksi tanda air pada citra uang kertas dengan menggunakan metode segmentasi citra region based active contour. Aplikasi ini berhasil dibuat dengan menggunakan Matlab versi R2013a. Kata Kunci : Aplikasi, Tanda Air, Uang Kertas, Active Contour, Matla


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    Perangkat lunak ini berisi deteksi semi otomatis pada citra relaksasi T1 dan T2 guna mendapatkan ukuran maksimum diameter aorta baik secara secara horizontal maupun vertikal secara otomatis. Dengan diperolehnya rumusan perhitungan maksimum diameter, maka dapat pula dihitung nilai evolusi diameter berdasarkan pengamatan yang telah dilakukan setiap 6 bulan sekali dari hasil pemeriksaan MRI. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh ahli terkait pada bidang Kardiovaskular yang menggunakan MRI dalam melakukan tugas pengamatan, serta membantu Dokter bedah aorta dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan tindakan pembedahan sebelum terjadinya ruptura pada dinding aorta yang menyebabkan kematian